The Phoenix Transition Society
Welcome to the Phoenix Transition Society of Prince George BC.
Phoenix Transition Society Mission
We at the Phoenix Transition House, work to support women and children during their healing journey. We do this in a caring, safe and respectful atmosphere that facilitates personal discovery of mind, body and spirit.
Our Philosophy
We strive for humanitarian and egalitarian ideals. The Society believes in the instrinsic worth and dignity of every human being and we are committed to the values of acceptance, self-determination, ending violence aginst women and children, and respecting each person's right to individuality.
Our Inspiration
The legendary Phoenix Bird fell from heaven to the ground, burst into flames and was renewed from the ashes. As a woman is able to renew herself from the ashes of her broken dreams with other women's support, she moves from victim to survivor to thrivor.
Tutor's guide: transition phrases in Chinese
Transition phrases allow you to link your ideas, explain yourself more clearly, and make your speech seem more natural. Imagine you're sharing a tale or making an argument. Online Chinese tutoring is an opportunity to memorise phrases and learn how to use them daily. Yes, you can understand the material on your own, but the effectiveness of the lessons will be higher with a tutor. Tutors use special memorisation techniques and teach you to use phrases, not just store them in your memory.