Tutor's guide: transition phrases in Chinese


Transition phrases allow you to link your ideas, explain yourself more clearly, and make your speech seem more natural. Imagine you're sharing a tale or making an argument. 

Online Chinese tutoring is an opportunity to memorise phrases and learn how to use them daily. Yes, you can understand the material on your own, but the effectiveness of the lessons will be higher with a tutor. Tutors use special memorisation techniques and teach you to use phrases, not just store them in your memory.

Types of transition words in Chinese

  1. Addition is a linking word that incorporates additional information or concepts. View them as the Chinese equivalent of "and," "also," or "in addition."
  2. Transition phrases for time and sequence clarify the timing or sequence of events. "First," "then," "next," "finally," and "meanwhile" are their English equivalents.
  3. Cause-and-effect phrases are instrumental in elucidating the reasons for an event or the result of an activity. In the English language, they are equivalent to the phrases "because," "so," "therefore," and "as a result."
  4. Comparison and contrast Transition terms illustrate the distinction or contradiction between two concepts. The English words "but," "however," and "on the other hand" are analogous to these.
  5. Examples & Illustrations phrases must provide an example or illustration to substantiate your assertion. The transition phrases "for example," "such as," and "for instance" are used in the English language.

Transition phrases in Chinese

And or moreover / 而且 / Érqiě

"而且" is a flexible and helpful transition word that means "and" or "moreover." You may use it to provide more information or to accentuate a point.

Furthermore / In addition / 另外 / Lìngwài

When adding another point or information, use "另外" as your go-to word. 

Also / 还有 / Háiyǒu

"还有" is a valuable transition phrase, equivalent to "also" or "and" in English.

Time and Sequence Transition words in Chinese

After / 之后 / Zhī Hòu

Then / 然后 / Rán Hòu

Use this term to connect two activities or occurrences.

Before / 以前 / Yǐ Qián

Use this term to go back in time and discuss events that have occurred in the past.

Finally / 最后 / Zuì Hòu

Use this to denote the previous occurrence or action in a series.

Chinese cause and effect transition phrases 

Because / Yīn Wèi

Because every activity has a purpose, this term is essential for understanding why anything occurs.

So / 所以 / Suǒ Yǐ

Use this term to describe the conclusion or consequences of a circumstance.

Due to / Yóu / Yú

Because of its formal tone, this phrase is ideal for conveying cause and consequence in more severe circumstances.

Contrast and comparison transition phrases

These words are ideal for comparing and contrasting concepts, allowing your interactions to flow seamlessly like a calm river.

But / dàn / shì

Oh, the traditional "but"! The word 但是 (dàn shì) expresses a conflict or disagreement between two thoughts.

Although / 虽然 / Suī Rán

This assertion is optimal for contrasting two concepts while simultaneously articulating a particular fact. It is best described as the "good cop, bad cop" of transitional phrases.

In comparison / 相比之下 / Xiāng Bǐ Zhī Xià

Need to assess the advantages and drawbacks of the two options? 相比之下 (xiāngbǐ zhī xià) is your trusted sidekick, helping you compare and contrast like an expert.